Are you ready to discover and claim the best version of you?

Sometimes taking a different view, say a 30,000 foot view, can give you a fresh perspective to take ownership of your life. Let’s start with How to Go from Overwhelm to Opportunity. Then we can progress to Rewire Your Brain, Rewire your Life, brain-based activities to help choose your trajectory.


Visualize Your Life From a New Perspective

I walk you through step by step on this guided exercise to see your life from a bird’s eye view. It’s fun, simple and very powerful.

Quickly Gain Clarity of Your Values

Through this continued supported exercise you will, in about an hour, regain that clarity of what you need to do next . 

Start a Bounce Highest BluePrint of Action Steps

You will have a new tool and action steps to help to start moving forward in opportunities 

" That was really awesome. I'm at the 30k feet and it's such a different and important perspective to take- aim going to really sleep and think on it-- and I can't help but already be brain dumping for what's next as the pandemic has iced my professional slice of the pie-- this pediatrician really wants something different and I have been a flight of ideas but this is helping me really focus in. Thank you! "

Testimonial from Dr Tiffany Lahr

How to Go from Overwhelm to Opportunity


50% Complete

Two Step

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